Dwight wants Stan Out?

Rumor has it that Orlando Magic’s star center Dwight Howard wants head coach Stan Van Gundy out as head coach. Over the course of the season, Howard has been in speculation of wanting to be out himself via the trade. This proposition comes in the midst of Orlando clinching a playoff spot. Van Gundy has been coach since 2007. He has been Howard’s coach for all but three years, Howard came into the league in 2004.

Van Gundy has said that he knows Dwight wants him to be fired, but Howard denies the reports. It was an awkward scene at an earlier news conference today, when Van Gundy said his sources told him that Howard wishes for his exit. Soon there after, Dwight walked into the room and put his arm around his head coach making it look like everything was alright. The Magic take on the New York Knicks tonight. Let’s wait and see what happens for the future of Van Gundy and the Magic. Will he remain coach until the end of the playoff run? My sense says yes.

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